Tales from Australia CAN

Our latest Tales

Peanut the office dog at Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania

Posted: June 2024
Alexandra Bray is a self-proclaimed dog-obsessed individual and working with Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania as the marketing and development manager probably shows that!
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Can your office be pet-friendly?

Posted: June 2024
During COVID, we could spend hours at home with our pets while we worked. Many of us even adopted a new furry mate during this time! Now that many workplaces are asking for their colleagues to head back into the office, our furry friends are sadly left at home again without our warm companionship.
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PAPA and ACT Pet Crisis Support celebrate milestones supporting older pet owners

Posted: April 2024
Pets and Positive Ageing (PAPA) Inc and ACT Pet Crisis Support marked their significant milestones recently at a special celebratory event in Canberra, reflecting on their achievements, building awareness and planning for a successful and sustainable future supporting older people and their pets.
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Tiny Vet Clinic making big impact on pet community wellbeing

Posted: April 2024
Many people are socially isolated and their pet is their best friend and family member, sharing the most special bond. Sadly, in these tough economic times, many pet owners have to decide between eating or taking their pet to the vet.
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Image of two airline stewards and a dog in a pilot's uniform

Virgin Australia to be country’s first airline to have pets in cabin flights

Posted: March 2024
Companion Animal Network Australia welcomes Virgin Australia’s announcement to become the country’s first airline to operate flights with pets on board.
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Victoria’s first ever pet census reveals unique insights on ownership, attitudes and experiences

Posted: January 2024
Pet owners across Victoria have shared their unique insights and opinions on pet ownership, attitudes, and experiences in the Allan Labor Government’s first-ever Victorian Pet Census.
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Cherished Pets leader in providing in-home pet care assistance for older people

Posted: November 2023
Cherished Pets provides high quality, in-home pet care assistance for older and disabled pet owners living independently in Victoria.
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