Supporting Our Work
Want to directly support our work?
Want to fundraise for us?
Interested in supporting us with your will?
There are several ways you can help us care for companion animals

Australia CAN Foundation
Support the direct-care work of our member agencies on behalf of companion animals. Please e-mail us at info@australiacan.org.au for further details. All donations to the foundation are tax deductible (GiveNow will open in a new tab).

Workplace Giving
Learn how to connect your employer with charities such as Australia CAN through workplace giving (Workplace Giving Australia will open in a new tab).

Playing for a purpose
Support Australia CAN through Play For Purpose for a chance to win epic prizes, including a $250K Gold Bullion First Prize, and help make a difference in animal welfare. To be in the draw for extra prizes, set up AutoPlay.

My Charity Change
Donate your extra change from purchases to Australia CAN and help make a real impact for pets and people. Download the My Charity Change APP and start supporting us today!

Pets in aged care campaign
Visit the Pet Friendly Aged Care website (in a new tab) and support our work in this area at our Give Now page. These donations are tax deductible.

Pet-friendly rental campaign
Visit the Rent With Pets website (in a new tab) and support our work in this area at our Give Now page. These donations are tax deductible.