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Breeding conditions not for sale

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Companion animals are bought and sold online every day. Take a quick internet search and you’ll come across an endless stream of web store and classified ads for kittens and puppies of all shapes, sizes and breeds.

Companion animals are bought and sold online every day. Take a quick internet search and you’ll come across an endless stream of web store and classified ads for kittens and puppies of all shapes, sizes and breeds.

Heartbreakingly, many of these seemingly innocent ‘for sale’ ads can be traced back to irresponsible breeders and directly support the unscrupulous actions of the puppy factory trade.

A recent investigation by Animals Australia has confirmed this damning link, exposing the secret ties between one of the largest puppy factories in Australia, pet stores and web stores like the Trading Post.

Join us in support of Animals Australia’s call to the Trading Post to stop puppy factories from advertising on their site and only accept ads from legitimate animal shelters – stand up against this appalling practice today by adding your voice to the Animals Australia action here.

You can also make a stand by supporting the adoption of unwanted and relinquished animals instead of the purchase of animals from pet shops, online stores and backyard breeders. Animal adoption is a powerful way to make a real difference to an animal’s life, and put a stop to the puppy factory cycle.

Australia CAN continues to advocate for animal adoption and the introduction of a national consistent breeder permit system. Find out more about our policies and position statements.

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