Tales from Australia CAN

Our latest Tales

Hope Springs Eternal Dog Rescue brings lonely pets and empty laps together

Posted: August 2023
Hope Springs Eternal Dog Rescue, Rehoming and Retirement Inc has been bringing lonely pets and empty laps together across metropolitan Adelaide and Adelaide Hills in South Australia for the past 10 years.
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Helping older people get out and about with their furry friends

Posted: July 2023
Companion Animal Network Australia’s 2023 Aged Care Survey report shows 91% of older adults receiving services from an in-home aged care service provider do not get help to care for their pet (eg walking, grooming and emergency boarding). But Activus Transport is aiming to help change that one kilometre at a time.
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Victorians to get lost pets home sooner

Posted: October 2021
Companion Animal Network Australia is pleased to see the Victorian Government delivering on its election commitment to make sure lost pets get returned home sooner.
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Bandit the rescue dog takes an Australian road trip of a lifetime

Posted: October 2021
Meredith Schofield, her husband Sean, their rescue pup, Bandit and their beloved yellow kombi, Etta, are on a Great Australian Road Trip.
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Warning of bait poisoning for people travelling with pets in WA

Posted: October 2021
Holiday makers who take their dogs when travelling around regional Western Australia are being reminded to keep them safe from 1080 baits.”
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The many benefits of keeping cats contained

Posted: September 2021
Keeping cats contained means ensuring they stay within the boundaries of your property.
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How to keep your cat contained safely and happily at home

Posted: September 2021
There are various ways to ensure your cat is living its best life.
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