Positive ageing in the company of animals
Older people, unable to take their companion animals with them when moving into aged-care accommodation, are often forced to say goodbye to their four-legged friends.
Many people who enter an aged-care facility grieve constantly and deeply for their beloved pet left behind.
Outcomes vary for the animals involved. Some are re-homed, others are surrendered to a shelter and some are euthanised.
For aged-care providers it can be a difficult policy challenge. How can facilities support the human-animal connection safely, sensitively and sustainably?
What we are doing
Australia CAN is working with aged care experts to find ways of preserving the bond between people and pets in aged care accommodation.
Solutions are available, with good models already operating in Australia and beyond. With pets raising our happiness quotient and health grades, making it easier for people of all ages and stages to keep pets makes good sense.
Gail Munro has been successful in finding aged care accommodation that welcomes her dog Timothy. Read Gail’s story Gail and Timothy, Happy Together
How are we doing this?
We have created the website Pet Friendly Aged Care, a resource for older persons with pets that promotes and shares pet-friendly policies and provides information for the aged care sector.
We are the only people gathering important data/information which will help make positive changes to the aged care industry. We need your help to do this by filling in our Pet Friendly Aged Care surveys and inviting friends and family to do so also.
How can you help?
- Share your experiences and information with us: info@australiacan.org.au
- Raise the topic with politicians in your state: click here for the list
- Let aged care providers know you prefer accommodation that allows your pet to stay with you
- Indicate you will be happier and healthier for longer with your pet by your side – you are likely to cost your aged-care provider less in on-going care services.
- Fill in our Pet Friendly Aged Care surveys and invite friends and family to do so also.
Further resources
- Read our 2023 Status of Pets in Aged Care Report
- Read or download Australia CAN’s comprehensive 2018 Pets in Aged Care National Snapshot.
- View our Pets in Aged Care Presentation to the 2018 ACSA National Summit in Sydney.
- Listen to Oaktree residents talk about pets in retirement villages (August 2013)