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New Inspector General of Animal Welfare

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On July 31st, the government announced an Independent Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports.

This new Inspector General is to oversee the role of Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) as the regulator of live animal exports and ensure that the regulator is working within the regulatory framework.

We welcome this step and look forward to a truly independent, impartial and credible voice working to ensure the humane treatment of animals.

Questions remain as to how this appointment relates to the proposed independent office of animal welfare, a commitment made by the government in 2011. What stage of planning and development has the Office of Animal Welfare reached? Have the resources involved in the planning effort been expended without outcome or are outcomes still to follow?

The appointment of one inspector to oversee animal welfare and live export means they will have an enormous workload on their hands, not least due to the number of cases already under investigation in DAFF.

We would welcome an appointment which genuinely reflects understanding of  (and respect for) both industry and animal welfare submissions and provides fair and equal access to representation from both sides of the debate. Combined with meaningful public consultation and a  transparent approach to decision making, the Independent Inspector of Animal Welfare and Live Export could make a positive difference for animals.

The opportunity is there.



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