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Don't Litter Australia

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Its mind boggling to think two un-desexed dogs and their offspring can number 67,000 in just six years. Two un-desexed cats and their offspring (if none are desexed) can number 420,000 in seven years.

It’s a fact that desexed pets generally become better companions and live longer, healthier lives.

With desexed animals there is a reduced risk of getting cancer or other diseases of the reproductive organs. Dogs and cats who have had the snip are less likely to suffer from anti-social behaviours which means their human companions have an easier time of it too.

In July, pet owners have even more incentives to desex their pets.

National Desexing Month is held in July each year and offers all pet owners discounts on the cost of this surgery for dogs and cats. The National Desexing Network (NDN) runs this and other year-round discounting programs.

While discounts are available to everyone during July, those who are in genuine financial need can access discounts all year round. Those wishing to find out if they qualify beyond July can phone 1300 368 992 or visit www.ndn.org.au

The service aims to make this surgery more affordable to those who might not otherwise be in a position to de-sex their pets but it’s not only the owners who benefit. So do all the cats and dogs who would otherwise be brought into a world where there are simply not enough caring homes for them.

NDN has a nationwide network of participating veterinary clinics who offer the discounts. If you know of houses, streets or areas within your community where there are regular litters born to undesexed cats and dogs, you are encouraged to print and distribute an assistance flyer which can be downloaded from  www.ndn.org.au

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