Don't be fooled by the puppy farmers - know your rights and take action!
The Animal Law Institute (ALI) warns pet lovers to not be fooled by the puppy farmers using lockdowns to get away with meeting in public spaces or couriering puppies.
To help Victorians take action against poor breeding practices during COVID-19, the community legal centre established the Anti-Puppy Farm Legal Clinic for free legal advice.
Erin Germantis, a lawyer with ALI, said throughout the pandemic many people have welcomed new companion animals such as dogs and cats into their home. With this rising demand for pets, breeders may increase their churn and charge exorbitant prices to make a quick profit. They may even do so even at the expense of an animal’s health, or the health of the animal’s offspring.
“Too often, people unknowingly bring home animals with underlying health conditions that the breeder did not disclose before the sale. The buyer is then left to foot the bill for veterinary treatment to help their pet recover,” she said.
Helping Victorians and their pets
The Anti-Puppy Farm Legal Clinic is providing free preliminary legal advice to Victorians who have purchased sick pets from breeders.
For example, people in this situation may have a legal right under the Australian Consumer Law to obtain a refund of their purchase price; reimbursement of past and/or future veterinary expenses; or an exchange of the animal.
Obtaining legal advice is the first step in understanding your rights, obligations and options under the law.
Book an appointment today to speak with a lawyer about your rights or to learn more about the clinic: www.ali.org.au/antipuppyfarmlegalclinic
The Animal Law Institute is a registered charity and community legal centre. If you would like to support their work, please visit www.givenow.com.au/ali
Photo credit: Erin Germantis on behalf of The Animal Law Institute
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