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Canine Counsellor

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Introducing Saxon, a beautiful dog who once knew what it was to be homeless and afraid. Now living happily in Tasmania, Saxon is pictured below wearing a Canine Commendation for Service medal.

Introducing Saxon, a beautiful dog who once knew what it was to be homeless and afraid. Now living happily in Tasmania, Saxon is pictured below wearing a Canine Commendation for Service medal, awarded by the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania in recognition of the hope and joy he brings to kids and staff at Childhood Foundation Tasmania.

Saxon’s award celebrates his gentleness and kindness, helping children and adults feel calm and loved in his presence. Saxon provides hope to all at the Childhood Foundation, teaching trust, tolerance and unconditional love. State Manager of the Childhood Foundation, Caroline Brown explains…

Saxon assists on the ‘counselling team’, helping people on a wide range of issues. In undertaking this work Saxon demonstrates unconditional love and kindness, teaching people about a wide range of emotions including patience, empathy and compassion. He also teaches people about safe relationships and helps them to manage anxiety in home and school settings.

Saxon is in demand by other counsellors who appreciate the way Saxon assists in counselling their own clients.  The humans that Saxon works with all love him and request to see him so often that he has his own diary of appointments!


Image of Saxon with his medal
Saxon with his medal

When Saxon is working he comes into the office and he brings with him a calming influence that assists the counsellors and other staff to do what is often difficult and emotionally demanding work.  Saxon is a most well behaved and tolerant dog.  For example, when we have morning tea in the office he never tries to take food from the table even though it is well within his reach.

He always waits patiently for a little treat to be offered to him, which his numerous “aunties” are more than happy to provide!

Saxon is a valued member of our counselling team and he is a pleasure to have around the office.  We are all so proud of his Canine Commendation Award and our thanks go to the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania for recognising Saxon’s achievements.

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