CANA partner Lifeview wins special award for protecting human animal bond
Companion Animal Network Australia (CANA) congratulates our partner Lifeview for being a joint recipient of the inaugural Bob Harvey Award presented by the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS).
Established in 1979 in England, the SCAS promotes the study of human-companion animal interactions and raise awareness of the importance of pets in society. The Bob Harvey Award honours the memory of Bob, whose battle to remain with his beloved dog Darcie after his wife’s passing is featured in a video on the SCAS website.
The Award is presented to a care home, hospice, or care facility that has gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep human and animal together and protect that all-important bond.
CANA nominated Lifeview with the story of Willow Wood resident Paul Debar and his loyal companion, Bonny, outlining the efforts the organisation makes to enable residents to keep their pet when they move into a Lifeview home.
All Lifeview homes – Argyle Court in Chelsea, Emerald Glades in Emerald, The Willows in Wheelers Hill and Willow Wood in Cranbourne – work with new residents to try and enable them to keep their pet when they move into care.
“As a proudly pet-friendly provider of residential aged care in Melbourne, we are committed to residents being able to maintain their pet when they move into a Lifeview home,” said Lifeview CEO Samantha Jewell.
“Allowing pets to move into aged care with their owners makes the transition easier. You give up a lot to move into aged care, you should not also have to give up that relationship you have with your pet.
“Someone like Paul, he would not settle without his dog, Bonny, and that is the same for a lot of people. Our pets have been our companions for many, many years, and to have to give them up is sad and heart-breaking.
“We were proud to be named a joint recipient of the inaugural Bob Harvey Award. We thank Companion Animal Network Australia for nominating Lifeview and the Society for Companion Animal Studies for hosting this award.”
CANA works closely with Lifeview to help promote and educate other organisations about the value of pets in aged care.
“Bob’s story was heartbreaking, and we would encourage people to watch it because that is why pets in aged care are so important,” said Ms Jewell.
“Lifeview is proudly pet friendly. Pets bring enormous wellness benefits to the residents, and we would encourage all aged care providers to explore ways to allow residents to bring their pet with them when they move into care.”
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