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Australia CAN grateful for outdoor media support

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Companion Animal Network Australia (Australia CAN) wholeheartedly thanks outdoor media companies Stream Outdoor, Total Outdoor Media and QMS for generously donating outdoor advertising space across the country to our organisation for the past few months.

Photo Credit: Scout - Ged Hart, Total Outdoor Media

Companion Animal Network Australia (Australia CAN) wholeheartedly thanks outdoor media companies Stream Outdoor, Total Outdoor Media and QMS for generously donating outdoor advertising space across the country to our organisation for the past few months.

Australia CAN CEO Trish Ennis said the highly visible and creative outdoor advertising is helping to spread awareness about the charity’s work fighting for a society that recognises the incredible value pets have on people and work to keep people and their pets together.

“Lives are enriched by companion animals, who deserve a loving home,” said Trish. “We are grateful to Stream Outdoor, Total Outdoor Media (TOM) and QMS for helping us to raise awareness about our work campaigning for the humane treatment of all companion animals and rally support for programs that deliver high welfare standards, such as Rent with Pets and Pets in Aged Care.”

Let’s get to know some people behind these wonderful companies!

Total Outdoor Media (TOM)

Total Outdoor Media’s Managing Director Ged Hart is a big animal lover and has many fond memories of his family dog Boo Radley. Fortunately, he and his wife Shari still get to pamper Boo’s sister and best friend, Scout Finch, a gorgeous 14-year-old Staffy x Lab cross.

He said, “My wife Shari has a very special connection with all pups and animals. She is your serial animal rescuer! There have been rescue missions of fairy penguins, magpies and more recently a small family of tawny mouth chicks when a tree fell down out the front of our home in the middle of the night. I’m pretty sure Shar is an ‘All creatures great and small whisperer’ and I’m just her wingman!”

Why does Total Outdoor Media support Australia CAN and its programs?

“Our furry friends need all the help they can get and a special organisation like Companion Animal Network need to get their messages out there far and wide,” said Ged.

“We are lucky to be in a position to give them a hand in getting their important messages across regional Victoria. We are all about supporting positive initiatives like Australia CAN and will continue to do what we can when we can.”

Stream Outdoor

Stream Outdoor’s Sales & Marketing Manager Chris Perera believes animals play a huge part in everyday life, from mental health to socialisation. He and his family adore their gorgeous 8-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback named Charlie.

“What makes him special is his temperament,” Chris said.

Charlie is a gentle (66kg) giant and he loves to bring him to the office any chance he gets.

“Stream Outdoor is proud to support the team at Australia CAN and help get the message to communities across Regional Queensland via our digital billboard network,” he said.

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